watch out for the olympia unicorn crew
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
im a felon :: i voted
check it out! a lot of felons are not aware that they can vote after completing their sentence! tell anyone you know who may be a felon to check this page out and see if they are eligible!!!!!! and don't forget to vote for OBAMA!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
disco dust
disco dust is full of it, in fact its a blog i aspire to be like. but of course i dont have that much ambition
Saturday, October 25, 2008
1. http://community. livejournal. com/egl/4918469. html
2. http://community. livejournal. com/egl/3885314. html
in number two she used this Pattern.
http://www. cynthiahoweminiatures. com/hatmaking1. htm
It might be easier to just buy a doll one. We will see prices.
Photos to Reference....
Jesus this is awesome
http://www. vertetsable. com/demos_ruffs. htm
DIY Bows, you can make them bigger
http://community. livejournal. com/egl/3326043. html
if you did a bow headdress you could make the flowers match the show clips. pale pastel yellow or teal green.
Show Clips This would be cute. You can make felt ones or color fake flowers like she did but math your pettie. Maybe yellow pale flowers.. that would go great with the teal color of your pettiecoat!
http://community. livejournal. com/egl/11324386. html
Making Rings and you can even use the Caulk on the top hat to make it look like icing!!!
we have to try this!
you can use http://babelfish. yahoo. com/ to translate the page links
http://community. livejournal. com/egl/11662025. html
Making Macarons, You can put these on rings or a necklace or pile them on a top hat!
http://community. livejournal. com/egl/11224061. html
http://community. livejournal. com/egl/11228487. html
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
something i read about
Back in October, 1995, Jim Hudnall posed a question in alt.lucky.w about raccoon penis bones. He said that Mick Jagger's partner Jeri Hall had mentioned in an interview that when she was growing up in Texas, boys gave raccoon penis bones to girls they liked as a form of love token or simple love spell. Jim said he had never heard of penis bones before and wondered if raccoons really had them.
I responded that Jeri Hall was right -- raccoons do have penis bones, although they are by no means the only species with such bones. (For instance, seals, walruses and whales have them too, and these large penis bones, called oosiks by the Inuit, are used for making sled dog harness parts.) The scientific name for these bones is os penis ("penis bone" in Latin") and among their many common names are "love bone," "pecker bone," "coon dong" "possum prick," Texas toothpick," "mountain man toothpick" and "baculum" (Latin for "little rod"). More to the point of Jim's query, though, i can testify from personal experience that raccoon penis bones were used as charms and curios among white farm boys and men of the Missouri Ozarks (in south-central Missouri, near the Arkansas line) during the 10 years i lived there in the 1970s-80s.
Soon after my then-partner Peter Yronwode and i moved to the Ozarks in 1972, we were told by a couple of local farmers that the proper way to prepare a pecker bone was to boil it clean and to tie a piece of red thread or string around it and give it to one's girlfriend to wear as a necklace.
Being non-hunting hippies, we made our charms from the penis bones of freshly road-killed male coons. (We picked up road-kills anyway because we ate the meat and tanned the furs and sold the mittens and purses we made therefrom.) I should also note that rather than dedicate these love bones to the furtherance of overpopulated HUMANITY, we placed them by our pond, where visiting RACCOONS would benefit from the resultant sexual potency and fertility among their own species.
Both Barry Carroll and Larry Schroeder of Austin, Texas, reported that the bones were sold there locally under the name "Texas toothpicks" and kindly donated samples.
Early in 1996, my co-worker Susie Bosselmann came into my office and saw my stuff and -- to my surprise, as she is a very "fussy" person who abhors bugs and spiders -- she said, "Ooh, lookie! You've got coon dongs!" She was pointing to the penis bones Larry and Barry had sent to me.
Susie is in her 60s and she grew up in Oklahoma, an area contiguous with Missouri and Texas. I had thought that the wearing of raccoon penis bones was limited to the Midwest, but she expanded my horizons when she said that she and her husband had recently been at a gun show in Kentucky and had seen "a beautiful coon dong necklace, with hundreds of 'em strung together, just like a Cherokee Indian ceremonial necklace." She would have bought it but it was too expensive, she said. I asked her why someone would make a coon dong necklace, and she said, "Well, what ELSE can ya do with 'em?"
Obviously, the use of raccoon penis bones as sex amulets or in love spells was not known to Susie, but just to be sure, i asked her if she'd ever heard them called love bones or heard of boys giving them to their girlfriends. She said, "No, we just made necklaces out of them."
In May, 1996, Michael Redman added something new on the subect: the use of the raccoon penis bone as a gambler's charm. Here's what he said:
Just got back from New Orleans for my umpteenth Jazz Fest visit & spent some extended time in the Voodoo Museum in the Quarter. As touristy as this place is, there were several exhibits of interest. Did notice a raccoon penis bone there marked "Lucky for gamblers."
Other readers have written in and added much lore -- about a gambling uncle in the South who wrapped his coon dong in a ten dollar bill before going out to play cards of an evening, a grandfather who wore a "possum prick" bone as a watch fob, a jeweler who caps the bones with sterling silver and sells them as necklace pendants, and a family which has owned a "mountain toothpick" for years. Scott Stauffer, a taxidermist in Michigan, writes, "I have had several requests for raccoon penis necklaces. Thinking this to be strange, I asked as to the reason one would want to wear such a thing. Up here the general consensus is that 'You're not cool unless you're hangin.' No red ribbons or gifts to girl friends; the guys wear them, mostly, it seems, for luck. A jeweler's clasp is glued to the straight end and it is worn on a length of gold chain. Although strange, they are strikingly handsome when boiled and pollished."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
for you
spill my heart out in dedication for you
now i sew stitches where i am splitting
now my heart is breaking for you
picking up pieces and gluing together
like ceramic tiles i am a mosaic for you
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
the day after halloween
that's right dia de los muertos
The Pasties
Razz M'Tazz
A Million Years Ago
Thee Nextdoor Neighbors
King Mob
at the haunted Solid Gold House
419 Boulevard Road SE
Boulevard & Pacific in Oly
6pm on the freakin' dot.
$5-$10 sliding scale
freakouts, treats, dancing, beer, bands, candy, creepy stuff, ghost stories, free radio olympia
Friday, October 17, 2008
worst day ever continued
at the hospital at one am
Thursday, October 16, 2008
sticker factory
or through
also visit Glitch N Growl on deviant art
if i were in NY this is what i'd be doing
is the title of this project based on a lyric by the band Legends.
in a storage container behind the new museum (crystie btw stanton/ rivington) i will be creating a kind of isolation tank whereby eliminating certain senses, others thrive. for 3 days people will enter into a dark space, lay down on the floor, the doors will shut and they will hear a live performance of spontaneous music around them for 15 or 30 minute durations in total darkness. the musicians will be varied and in some circumstances they'll be strangers, so the music will be created without any visual references and hopefully enhanced freedom. upon leaving the space, participants will receive hand painted aura drawings, suggesting that their spirit had been modified by the experience.
OCTOBER 17-19, 2008
please contact maya hayuk to schedule your participation as a music maker, or just stop by. there will totally be stuff to play with, and we can always use more.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
maybe we'll choke on it, maybe we'll just be friends
Monday, October 13, 2008
history, sympathy, idealism, consistancy, social commentary
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
boondocks photobooth
Listenin to Jackie Wilson right now, dreamin of easy livin. I wish I smoked cigarettes some days. I would sit on my patio with a blanket and listen to JW through the screen door, inhaling sweet tobacco. Instead I sit on my bed where its warm and smoke some ganj. Same lifestyle, just different life.
angelo badalamenti
Friday, October 10, 2008
never gonna give you up - barry white
Oh, baby
Oh, baby (Keep on)
Come on, baby (Keep on doin’ it, right on)
Mmm, mmm, mmm (Right on doin’ it)
You got it together (Baby, keep on)
Oh, you got it together, baby (Right on, keep on doin’ it)
Not yet, baby, oh, not yet
Mmm, mmm (My-my baby, keep on)
I swear you got it together, baby (Keep on, keep on)
Whatever, whatever
Girl, I’ll do
Forever and ever, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I’ll see you through
I’ve got to keep you pleased
In every way I can
Gonna give you all of me
As much as you can stand
Make love to you right now
That’s all I want to do
I know you need it, girl
And you know I need it, too
‘Cause I found
What the world is searching for
Here, right here, my dear
I don’t have to look no more
And, oh, my babe
I hoped and I prayed
For someone just like you
To make me feel the way you do
Never, never gonna give you up
I’m never, ever gonna stop
Not the way I feel about you
Girl, I just can’t live without you
I’m never, ever gonna quit
‘Cause quittin’ just ain’t my stick
I’m gonna stay right here with you
Do all the things you want me to
Whatever you want
Girl, you got
And whatever you need
I don’t want to see you without it
You’ve given me much more
Than words could ever say
And oh, my dear, I’ll be right here
Until my dyin’ day
I don’t know just how to say
All the things I feel
I just know that I love you so
And it gives me such a thrill
‘Cause I found
What this world is searching for
Here, right here, my dear
I don’t have to look no more
And all of my days
I hoped and I prayed
For someone just like you
To make me feel the way you do
I’m never, never gonna give you up
I’m never, ever gonna stop
Stop the way I feel about you
Girl, I just can’t live without you
I’m never, ever gonna quit
‘Cause quittin’ just ain’t my stick
I’m gonna stay right here with you
Do all the things you want me to
Oh, I’m never gonna give you up
I’m never, ever gonna stop
All the things I feel about you
Girl, I just can’t live without you
I’m never, ever gonna quit
‘Cause quittin’ just ain’t my stick
I’m gonna stay right here with you
Do all the things you want me to